Changeons Propos
Submitted by Laura on Wed, 09/30/2015 - 18:27Corrections to underlay in English translation of top line of Changeons Propos. by Sermisy.
Corrections to underlay in English translation of top line of Changeons Propos. by Sermisy.
One of my favorite English Madrigal composers that I don't know very many pieces by is John Wilbye. So when I was looking for pieces to play for our May performance, I checked to see if he'd written any good Spring music, and Sweet
honey-sucking bees is what the Oxford Book of English Madrigals produced.
Added the next two Holbornes:
7. Pavan.
and 8. The
I transcribed this 10 years ago, when I knew a lot less than I
do now about how Renaissance polyphony typically worked, and the
facsimile has a rest at the very beginning that makes no sense at
all, and throws everything off.
Thanks to Sarah Mead, I now have it corrected, so if you've
ever downloaded it and wondered how anyone could have written
anything so dumb, download it again -- it's a nice piece.
In general, the underlay for second and subsequent verses in
the Dowland
part songs is completely editorial, and in this
case, the editor had completely screwed up the word order.
I'm not claiming it makes a lot more sense the way Dowland or
his lyricist wrote it, but I believe it is now the way it was written.
There's been more activity in the store lately,
so I've been more inspired to do work on adding more items to the store.
I've just added two poll questions to the sidebar. If you
think you might be willing to pay for book versions of the content
of this site, please answer the questions.
Obviously, the reason for the first question about what you'd
like to see next is to see what people might be interested in
I originally transcribed My
Prime of Youth from an edition which included the work In
deep distress as the second part.
There's a performance tradition of performing these two
together, but that isn't the way Mundy published them. The
Chidioch Tichdale poem "My Prime of Youth" has three verses, and I
wanted to see if the other two work with the music Mundy
When I redesigned this site two years ago, one of the pieces
from the old site that got left out of the first implementation
was a listing of pieces by date last modified.
I don't know how many people ever used it, but I found
it useful when someone found an error that I was sure I had
On the new site, I've been really good about telling people
when I put new pieces up, but quite unreliable about blogging when
I fix things. So now if you have an old download that has
One of the major sources of public domain sheet music has been
taken down. If you're looking for IMSLP,
you should read about the problem (and the workarounds) at IMSLP Journal.
Please consider contributing time and/or money to help preserve
our access to our musical heritage.
the parts for all 65 of the Holborne
Pavans,Galliards, Almains, and other short Æirs both grave,
and light, in five parts, for Viols, Violins, or other
Musicall Winde Instruments are available at the Serpent
Individual part books will be up shortly.
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