Proposed pieces for January 19, 2022

I added Scaramella, which is crumhorn-friendly and fairly easy. We played it both last week and the week before. I also added both a three-part and a five-part version of "Je suis d'Alemagne".

Pointers to pieces we might play

Six part

Seven part

Eight part

  • Laudate Pueri (I couldn't find a version with parts, so if it looks like we'll have 8 individual parts, it would be public-spirited of someone to partify it.)
  • The piece by Zucchini that we started with Liza: Exultate Deo

Other options

If the pieces above don't work for whoever we have, there are the pieces we've played before, which are at

There's also all the pieces sorted by number of parts, and all the Renaissance works sorted by various categories. doesn't sort things nicely, but has a lot of good stuff.

Author: Laura Conrad

Created: 2022-01-19 Wed 12:41
