Performers’ Information for the Walk for Hunger, May 1, 2011

Seating order

Audience left to right

  • Laura
  • Ishmael
  • Bea
  • Nora
  • Barney
  • John
  • Bruce
  • Anne

Part assignments

3 part rounds

  1. Laura, Barney
  2. Ishmael, John, Bruce
  3. Bea, Anne, Nora

4 part rounds

  1. Laura, Barney
  2. Ishmael, John
  3. Bruce, Bea
  4. Anne, Nora

Part Songs

  1. Anne, Bea, Nora
  2. Laura, Bruce
  3. Ishmael, John, Barney

Holborne, recorder

  1. Barney, Bea
  2. Laura, (Anne)
  3. Bruce, (Anne)
  4. Ishmael, Nora
  5. John

Holborne, louds

  1. Ishmael, Bea
  2. Laura, (Anne)
  3. Bruce, (Anne)
  4. Norah, Barney
  5. John

For all Holborne, Anne is playing either Altus or Quintus, depending on which works better on her instrument.


We will do the rounds and part songs and skip the ballads for this setting.

For all the birds: instrumental, vocal, last section (Nose, nose...) on instruments. Ishmael likes the tenor part on this one, so he’s singing tenor and Bruce is singing bass.

We be souldiers three: Instrumental, vocal, last section on instruments.

We be three poor mariners: Instrumental, verse one vocal, recorders, verse two vocal, instrumental.

Most rounds: unison, parts until Laura signals either stop (pointing up) where we all stop together at the end of the section, or trail off (hand out flat), where we all sing to the end and then stop.

As I me walked: Unison verse one, parts verses 1-4, parts verse one, trail off.

Ravenscroft grouplets

Jolly Shepherd and O my fearefull dreames didn’t fit into any of these categories, so I just stuck them in somewhere.

Drinking Songs
  • He that will an Alehouse Keep
  • Now God be with old Simeon
  • To Portsmouth
  • Of all the birds

Birds and trees
  • As I mee walked
  • Hey ho to the greenwood
  • Jolly Shepherd
  • Oken leaves
  • Well fare the Nightingale

collections of three
  • We be soldiers three
  • Three blind mice
  • O my fearefull dreames
  • We be three poor mariners


The short list is:


This can be adjusted slightly, but speak up now if you have a problem.

10:00 AM
Those who want to play solos, duets and trios arrive and start playing.
11:00 AM
Paul is in charge; he may want to play duets and trios for a while, but...
11:30 AM
Paul solo (Cantabile people set up) Everyone should be here by now.
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
Strike the set; go to eat and drink.


(Discussion of where to eat, involving many options that didn’t sound like they would work very well, redacted.)

We (Barney and I) decided on the Watertown Diner, 627 Mt. Auburn St., Watertown, (617) 926-8400.

Here are straightforward directions from our Walk site:

Alternatively, Barney writes:

Arlington and Grove Streets form that wishbone you see growing out of Mount Auburn Street. Our site for the walk is in-between the two. You know that curving street that goes straight up hill just to the right of us. That leads to Grove Street, which becomes the larger of the two thereafter. Arlington is the smaller street, but it has two advantages. the first is that it connects with North Beacon Street, the second is that you can turn left earlier than Mount Auburn and look for parking. One place to do that is Nichols Street, which is just after the railroad tracks. The last opportunity to do that is Wells Street, which is between the Armenian and Greek churches (unless they are on Bigelow Street). Otherwise, you are stuck making a left turn on a busy street. Besides the Watertown Diner is coming up fast after you turn on to Mount Auburn.

I think if you know Watertown, (or have someone with you who does, this will be helpful. Otherwise, stick to the major streets.


Recordings from the April 19 rehearsal are at The April 26 rehearsal is at


The Holborne is at

The Ravenscroft is at

There’s a printable version of this file at